The are many causes for ear infections in your canine or feline friend.

It’s common knowledge that dogs and cats have extraordinary hearing. However, this often means they are more sensitive to ear infections and the discomfort an ear infection will likely cause.  Luckily, however, an exam and a diagnosis by your veterinary specialist will lead to proper treatment.


In Dogs

An affected dog will often have inflammation in the ears in addition to a foul odor. It is not uncommon for a black or yellowish discharge to occur as well. A dog’s breed is an important factor in determining whether or not they are predisposed to ear infections. Heavy ears or narrow ear canals increase the chances that your pet will develop an ear infection in their lifetime. Excessive hair in the ear canals and water left in the ears after bathing or swimming also increase the risk of developing an ear infection. Warm and humid climates also increase the risk.


  • Ear Mites
  • Dirt, hair, impacted wax
  • Tumors or polyps
  • Allergies
  • Hormone Imbalance
  • Overactive immune system


Your veterinarian will perform an exam to determine what is the most likely cause of your dog’s infection. In some cases, certain follow-up tests may be required. While it is important to remember that nearly all ear infections can be cured, it is also important to remember the proper application of any prescribed medicines can make all the difference. Surgery may be required in some circumstances. A dog with an ear infection may experience discomfort and even pain. Our AMC veterinary staff will diagnose and treat your four-legged family member to bring them back to full health as soon as possible.

In Cats

Cats are known to be very resistant to ear infections. In the rare case that it does occur, it is usually indicative of an underlying problem or disease. Regardless, a kitty with an ear infection is still an uncomfortable kitty. Like their canine counterparts, inflammation, the presence of a foul odor, and a discolored discharge may occur.


  • Ear mites
  • Polyps
  • Feline Leukemia Virus
  • Feline Immunodeficiency Virus


The most common treatments include the administration of prescription medication and surgery in certain instances. Your veterinarian will determine the root cause of the problem and will give your cat the proper attention and care necessary. At AMC, we work tirelessly to make sure your feline friend is back to their cute, playful selves as soon as possible.