How can we reach someone in case of an emergency?
Note: we do not feed raw diets in the hospital
If you are bringing your own food, please specify what brand:
Any food allergies?
Does your pet require any regular medication while boarding?

We do not accept any personal items other than food and medication.

Note: we do not feed raw diets in the hospital

Please check
Do you want your pet to have a bath before it goes home (extra charges apply)?
Do we have permission to use photos taken of your pet on-line, while boarding?
In the event of an emergency medical condition, I hereby authorize the doctors and staff of Animal Medical Clinic to administer, at my expense, any medication, tests, anesthetics or surgical procedures that the doctor deems necessary for the health, safety or well being of my pet. I understand that at times, my pet will be left in the building without supervision.
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