November is Senior Pet Month. It’s a great time to celebrate the joy that comes with a long-term relationship with our beloved pets. It’s also a good time to consider whether there is room in our heart to start a new relationship with a senior pet that needs a home. For all you dog lovers, here are 10 reasons you might consider adopting a senior dog
1. Senior dogs need homes, too.
Adult dogs are often passed over by potential adopters for puppies and younger dogs. Many senior dogs available for adoption were once owned and loved but, for one reason or another, found themselves in the care of a shelter and are in need of new homes through no fault of their own. They’re just as loyal and loving as younger pups…and they’d love to prove it.
2. Old dogs can learn new tricks.
Dogs can be trained at any age, and older dogs are just as smart as younger ones. In fact, they can be easier to train because they’re calmer and have a greater attention span than a puppy.
3. Your furniture…and carpet…will thank you.
Older dogs are more likely to be housebroken and have doggie manners. If their training is still a bit lacking, they have the physical and mental abilities to pick up skills fast, unlike puppies. Senior dogs also are much less likely to be destructive chewers.
4. Years of fun and love are still ahead.
Don’t pass up that 5-year-old dog just because she’s older. Dogs live 10-15 years, and many can live even longer depending on the dog. Talk to your veterinarian about ways you can help keep your adopted senior dog happy and healthy.
5. Experience laid-back four-legged living.
If you’re looking for a couch potato, an older dog might be right for you. Senior pups still need regular exercise, but they won’t want to run a marathon every day and are often content taking it easy.
6. With senior dogs, what you see is what you get.
Adopting an older dog gives you instant knowledge. You’ll know from the start important things like their full-grown size, personality and grooming requirements. This can make it easier to pick the right dog. If you’re not into surprises, adopting a senior dog might be right for you!
7. Older dogs require less time and supervision.
Everyone loves puppies but not everyone is equipped or willing to take on a bundle of energy that can’t make it through the night without a bathroom break and who requires hyper-vigilance during the housebreaking and teething stages, along with hours of training. Senior dogs are instant companions, ready to go on a long walk or to be the snuggle buddy or workout partner you need from the get-go.
8. Senior dogs are appreciative.
Many of our adopters strongly believe that senior dogs who they’ve adopted know how fortunate they are and that they greatly appreciate the second chance at happiness that their new person has given them. From their perspective, life is good and they are grateful for cuddle time, an extra treat, and—most of all—extra attention.
9. Older dogs are adorable.
aSomehow, dogs retain their cuteness no matter what their age. Also, pretty is as pretty does. Older or senior dogs seem eager to bond and settle into a new, loving home.
10. Sometimes you can get reduced or no adoption fees by agreeing to adopt a older pet
Some organizations will waive adoption fees for senior pets or for senior adopters. Dogs and cats have usually been spayed or neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated. It never hurts to ask!